Hello Readers. Good Morning to everyone who reads my blog this morning. He he. Im on holiday now. Yesterday on Monday, im only sittin' on the chair and play with my laptop. I dont have any job to do. Actually, there's mathematics homework, but..... i lost the paper. How horrible. Well i should find it somewhere or ask my friend. Because if i don't do the homework....heh heh i can't tell you. :p . Oh, not only Math, there are Science and err...fashion homework. (Wait, fashion?-_-).
OK stop talking about homeworks or school stuff or anything like that. -_- . Oh and also good luck for my seniors (9th grade) for doing their test on school.
Still, im boring if i just stay in my house. But, also im lazy if my mother asks me to accompany her to the mall, shopping, or whatever it is. I dont like shopping actually. I like playing. Really im not good at girls stuff. But my mother said i will understand soon if im older. But i dont want to understand and never wanted it at all. It is too troublesome -_-
Oh yeah anyway, let's talk about what will i do this day. Yeaaah. Today, Me, Diana, Carlo, Randi, and Maktal (if he wants to come, actually) will visit Tasya's house. Give applause! *silence*
Heheh. Randi said, at 11.00 AM, we must already arrived at school. What time is it now? Eight? OK no problem. I will continue.
Actually. Im too lazy to go to my school. Why? I can't tell you why. Im just lazy. But i dont know actually where in the world is Tasya's house. So we decided to go to the school firstly.
Hehehehe, i think when we arrived to Tasya's house, i will play her piano (?) I promise her to learn Kiss The Rain by Yiruma while she is learning River Flows In You by Yiruma too. And then what will we do next? I dont know -___________----- maybe playing Diana's MacBook, open the webcam, and taking our pictures. But im not in the mood for that.
Emm... I know this is not important post, but im bored so i wrote this hehe -_-
Yesterday, my friend, Meidi, asked me about Mr. A 's twin's photo. But i didnt keep his photo and never wanted to keep it ._. And my senior, kak Lutfan, has his photo, but on his PC. And his PC was on his other house ini Cinere. So he said he will send the photo next week. I promise when kak Lutfan send the photo and im already showed it to Meidi, i will delete the photo immediately. Because if i keep it too long.....well, i will get into the trouble.
Well. I should gettin ready. Enough for today. Hehe Good Morning! Have a Nice Day! Ohayou gozaimasu. Jaa, Matta Ne!!
PS : Im sorry if my english is poor he he
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