Thursday, September 15, 2011

When the "A" being mixed with "I"

Romeo Candorebanto de Montague & Juliet Fiamatta Arst de Capulet

"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." - William Shakespeare.

A tragic love story between Montague's son, from a noble family, and Capulet's daughter, from a Capulet family, Montague family's mortal enemy. Romeo and Juliet. Nothing can stop their love forever. Even the death.

Frederic Francois Chopin & Amandine Lucile Aurore Dupin (George Sand)

A love between a melancholy and feminist pianist, and a masculine writer. Frederic Chopin and George Sand. Falling in love in a first sight, its ordinary. But, falling in love when hearing a piano voice and the song that the 'unknown' pianist playing, its rare. Thats George Sand. Loving Chopin even he had a Tubercolosis virus. She stay still by his side, even she looks more like nurse to him than a lover.

 "Comme cette terre m'etouffera, je vous conjure de faire ouvrir mon corps pour (que) je ne sois pas enterre vif."
 "As this earth will suffocate me, I implore you to have my body opened so that I will not be buried alive." - Frederic Chopin.

Roy Mustang & Riza Hawkeye


" There is no such thing as perfection. This world itself is imperfect.
  That's what makes it so beautiful." - Roy Mustang to Riza Hawkeye.

"Will you follow me?"
"Understood. If that is your wish, then even into hell. " - Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye.

A Colonel and Liutenant, who exactly didn't have any relationship except superior and his subordinate. Hawkeye promised that she will protect his back, and follow him even into hell. And Mustang stop burning Envy when Hawkeye said that she will shoot him. He ask her what will she do when he die. She answered that she will also follow him to death. Mustang stop and said that he can't afford to lose her. She ordered not to die. She always obeyed his order. Then when Mustang die, that means Hawkeye will follow him. Maybe they didn't have any relationship except superior and his subordinate. But, everybody could see how they love each other and they wanted to protect each other.

Shinichi Chiaki & Noda Megumi

Noda Megumi, a talented pianist who lives in the dirty apartement. She never care about cleaning her apartement. Even she barely take a shower. But her piano play could amaze the people who hear it. Including Shinichi Chiaki, a charming conductor, violinist, and also a pianist who heard Nodame plays Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique rightly.

Nodame fall in love easily with Chiaki. But Chiaki seems didn't care. 

But can you believe that a piano could make this 2 people together? 

Nodame's biggest dream is when she showing her piano play in a concerto with Chiaki and his Orchestra. But some problem slowly made Nodame fell into depresion and frustation. Also she leave Chiaki and she intended not to meet him again. But Chiaki keep calling her. He realized that he missed her all this time. But they still love each other, and trying to find their song ending in the life of crescendo and decrescendo. They love each other, in the area of musical pieces.

"Play the last note, and leave no regrets." - Kiyora.

"Please marry me, senpai!"   
"Wake up. You're still asleep.." - Nodame and Chiaki.

"I think she had forget it all. But.... I think i will accept her proposal." - Shinichi Chiaki.


Ai. Japanese word of "Love". 

I heard it everywhere. My friends always talk about that in a social network. There are many of them that talking about "love" thing like that. They talking about their boyfie or girlfie, and they say that 4 simple word.

But still, i dont understand yet.

They are 13, or 14. Or maybe 15 years old. They are maybe, a teenager, but they are still a kid. Still schooling in Junior High School and studying just like me. But what i dont understand is when they are saying things like : 

"I love *bla bla* forever." "I missing you already." "I can't live without you." "Why are you ignoring me? Cant you see that i crying every night?" "I always thinking about. But seems like you are not." 


I even dont know what is "love". I know that i love my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers. But not "love" in the meaning of other else. I know that when you "like" somebody, you start to thinking about him/her, talking about him/her with your besties, and whatever it is. But , can you realize that its just a childhood crush? Its not a "love", i think. Well.... i dont know anything. Just sharing my thought. And what makes me more confuse is when they are saying.... :

"If i die, could he/she care about me?" "Why God didn't give me sickness? I hate being living in this world. Im nothing to them."


I know that they sad because of their "love" problem. But, why they didn't think that not only one person who didn't love them? many other people would care with them. Not only one. And if they sick, maybe the person they love would be care. But do they think that their parents is sad? Their friend? Their family? Do they? No. I think. It is troublesome you know....for thinking like this.

Yes....... i think love is troublesome. confusing. and i dont understand about it. Where did my friends learn about it? I wonder.......

The story above, it is all about "love". Maybe you have known a lot about it. They are great.

But the greatest love that i ever seen is the love of my mother and father. Because without them, i will never born into this world and write this blog for sure.

But still....Im confused. -_-

Not important , really.

Once more, i heard a story from someone, and his love story is similar with Chopin. But i can see the happiness in his eyes when he told me about his memory, and sadness when he stop talking about it and face the reality that they are all over. If you heard the story, maybe you will understand what i am talking about, heheh.

The point is....

For me......

I dont understand about the meaning of "love". Dont ever ask me about it. Thanks :)


Naomira Hawkeye 

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