Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Games that make me feel so........

1. Doodle Jump 

Doodle Jump Areas :



I got 32600 as highscore on my dad's iPad and 47680 on my mom's Galaxy Tab. It is so depressing when you almost got higher score than before, then you fall or you bump on an enemy.

I got 32600 on my iPad in the Space area, while 47680 on my Galaxy Tab in the Original area. And it is very hard to play in the Halloween area. Because it is very dark and hard to see around.

You can play it on your iOS, Windows Phone, Android, Blackberry, Java Mobile, and Nokia Symbian. It will also coming soon on XBox 360 for the Kinect platform.

Give it a try! Im sure you'll like it....maybe -_-

2. Hamster Ball

When i first playing it, i play on my computer. Then when my computer totally error, i never playing it anymore until my friend Nida brought her laptop to Pb's place. Chandra was the first person that found this game on her laptop. Then he asked Febby to playing it with him. Febby can't play it and finally he gave it to me.

So me and Chandra duelling this game until our hand can't be moved -_-. We also screaming uncontrolly if the hamster is falling or we can't controll the hamster in one area because of the difficulty. But i won againts Chandra :p. 

Oh. We didn't use mouse for this game. We use trackpad and keyboard. How sad. And it is very hard to move the Hamster while you didn't use mouse.

You should give it a try. You can download it to your PC or Laptop. 

Oh, don't do this game with your hamster pet.

3. Portal 2


The game that makes your brain working hard. Well, this is not only a cool game to play with the Portal Gun but you will also found a puzzle to get to the exit from the GLaDOS Laboratory. GLaDOS will give you some puzzle to solve with your Portal Gun and then if you made it, you will able to continue the next puzzle .

Portal Gun

How to play it? Simple. 

You just shoot the Blue/Orange Portal to the special wall. Then again, you shoot the other portal on the special wall that you want to pass by or moving a box or anything else. But remember, once you shoot a portal (example : Blue), you must shoot another colour (Orange) to another wall so you can enter the portal and exit to the other portal.

Easy right? 

Well, that's how to play it. Not "how your brain solve the puzzle".

It's fun, even it is also depressing if you can't solve the puzzle. If you cannot, just.....turn off the game or.....peek on a walkthrough :p

So, give it a try if you have a XBox 360, Playstation 3, Mac OS X. or Windows OS X. 
See how far your brain will survive :p

- Naomira Hawkeye

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